To date, there are 1,117,566 real estate agents registered with the National Association of Realtor. That means that as an agent you are challenging with 1.1 million other Realtor for each listing, viewing or sale.
Technology bridges the gap for agents looking to gain more leads, drive referral and ultimately post more listings. In fact, nearly 92% of Realtor use social media to search engine optimize their individual brands on a daily.
However, with the boost of new platform and strategies sometimes it is hard to keep up, especially when more consumers are looking homes for online, Realtor information and reviews before ever making contact.
The problem? Marketing is hard. In a business as solution and demanding as real estate, it is vital for agents to have high visibility. However, with all of the budding technologies it is becoming ever more difficult to stay atop of best practice, social media trends and digital marketing strategies especially while trying to maintain strong personal relationships with your clients.
That is where real estate marketing supporting companies like Paradym come into the image, offers real estate agents an affordable chance to create Visual Tours of their properties to be spread across the web.
However, nothing like the aforesaid companies, the Paradym Edge system also offers its agents supreme support and features related to all things digital marketing, rising its consumers' leads, referral and listings.
Features range from social media optimization assistance, tour automation and sharing to more than 70 more sites, to video tutorial related to all things real estate.
Using a tool such as Paradym can increase an agent's over visibility on the web, resulting in increased brand credit and loyalty meaning more leads that turn into commission.
If you are looking for a marketing solution to help you increase your overall return on investment within the real estate industry.